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Hendré Le Roux
Hendré Le Roux
Title: Director / Portfolio Manager
Hendré is one of the Executive Directors at Dalebrook Capital.
He holds a B. Agric. Admin. (Stell) Degree as well as the Certified Financial Planner® designation obtained through the University of Stellenbosch as well as the University of the Freestate.
He started his career in 2003 at Barnard Jacobs Mellet (BJM) and joined FNB Securities in 2010 after BJM was bought by Firstrand.
In 2015 he left the corporate world to follow his dream of managing and being actively involved in a company where he is a stakeholder and directly responsible for the success and wellbeing of the company and it’s clients. This led to him joining Dalebrook Capital as an Executive Director.
His areas of expertise is local- and offshore Investments and Financial Planning. He is also a member of the Executive Committee and Investment Committee.
Hendré is married to Lorraine and has 2 children, Sophia and Johan.
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